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Don’t Be a Victim: Find your weaknesses before the criminals do. PEN Consultants can help!


PEN Consultants offers the most competitive pricing on the market for security testing services. When considering hiring a company, many people ask, can I afford this? The question that should be asked, however, is: can you afford NOT to do this? Think about what a breach will cost if a malicious attacker finds the gaps in your network. As seen in this report from IBM, the average cost per breach is $4.35 million.

Transparent Pricing

Our security testing prices are only $300/hr, which provides you the lowest cost, quality security testing services in the industry! The exact total fee for an engagement is based on projected hours for the testing, which is determined during a no-obligation scoping call.
Below is a list of services we offer. Click on each service to learn more! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact us.
Schedule a Consultation
By hiring PEN Consultants to mimic the actions of a hacker, you can be confident knowing your organization has Rock Solid Security.