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Category: Miscellaneous


Paired Visitor/Escort Proximity Badges

How confident are you that visitors within your organization are constantly supervised by an employee? How often does an employee fail to properly hand off their escort duties to another employee? This is a solution we came up in response to a recent physical Social Engineering Assessment we preformed for a client. It is an all too […]


Presentation: RATs Without Borders

This presentation, “RATs Without Borders – Moving Your Cheese”, was presented on 29 March 2019 at BSidesATX. Slides: BSides_ATX_2019.pdf Gitlab: Video recording: Original event details: Description: Antivirus solutions continue to fail us. This talk will highlight my research on the effectiveness of the leading AV solutions. The overall strategy is to create a RAT in every […]


Presentation: Zero to Hero – A Red Team’s Journey

On 16 June 2018, David and I presented “Zero to Hero – A Red Team’s Journey” at BSides SATX. Here are links to the slide deck, audience handout, and video recording. Slides and handout: Video recording:


Presentation: Zero to Hero – Building a Red Team

On 23 March 2018, David and I presented “Zero to Hero – Building a Red Team, One Step at a Time” at HackWest in Salt Lake City. Here are links to the slide deck, audience handout, and video recording. Slides and handout: Video recording:


Sex Objects

Is it acceptable for a male to walk up to a female coworker and say, “You’ve got a booty like a Cadillac”? What about singing, to the same co-worker, “Come to the back seat of my car and I’ll let you have it”? I think most would agree these would not be acceptable. How is […]


Hacker’s Ethics – My Changing Perspective

Personal Ethics is not something that changes too dramatically over time. The foundation of our ethics is typically laid as children with small changes throughout our life. Untypical, then, was a major shift in my personal ethics as it relates to “security research”, aka hacking. Intro Has your spouse ever told you something a million […]


History of the Term EDR

Today I asked myself, When did the term EDR come out? It seemed to just come out of left field. What is EDR? EDR = Endpoint Detection & Response: “This name reflects the endpoint (as opposed to the network), threats (as opposed to just malware and officially declared incidents), and tools’ primary usage for both detection and […]


Breaking My Silence

It has been 3.5 years since I left the NSA. While working there, I could not publish anything of value. Because of all of the OpSec ingrained in me, I have shied away from publishing my research, findings, and discoveries the past few years. Attending Derbycon 2017 helped to finally break my OpSec shell. One […]


Traditional IOCs Suck

Traditional IOCs are lame. Don’t waste your time on traditional Indicators Of Compromise (IOCs) – IPs, domains, URLs, hashes, filenames, etc.. Seriously, buy a vendor product and/or feed that gives you this capability. The payback of traditional IOCs catching commodity malware is low. The payback when it comes to detecting advanced and/or targeted threats with traditional […]
