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Don’t Be a Victim: Find your weaknesses before the criminals do. PEN Consultants can help!

Category: Miscellaneous



PEN Consultants’ foundation is built on generosity and corporate social responsibility. (Matthew 6:21) This year, we are delighted to add the ReStoried 2024 conference to our list of charities we sponsor (see the others on our website). The conference is in early October in Indianapolis. Will you be there?


Detect & Respond

No organization is fully secure from all attackers. Unfortunately, a persistent and/or advanced attacker WILL breach your systems if they decide to target you. It is impractical to fully defend against all attacks. In fact, even “unplugging the computer” will not stop all attacks. As a result, the ability to detect, respond to, and investigate […]


Q4 testing

June is the month to start planning for your Q4 testing. Or, better yet, increase your ROI by moving it to another quarter. Auditors are generally understanding of this. Don’t wait until Q4 to start planning for testing that must be completed by EOY! You might be able to get an automated scan done in […]


Industries We Serve

We often get asked which industries we serve, but the truth today is cybersecurity affects everyone. Every industry needs help with testing their security controls, understanding best practices, and staying ahead of attackers. As it happens, we have extensive experience doing just that with nearly every industry, from #Legal, #Financial, #Religious, #IT, #Healthcare, #Engineering, #Education, […]



Did you know God regularly tests the people he loves? It is a regular occurrence in the Bible from Genesis 22:1, Deuteronomy 8:2, Psalms 11:4-5 to James 1:2-3, Revelation 2:10, and Hebrews 11:17. Testing identifies weaknesses we can work on, strengths that we can show-off, and proves our commitment to persevere through adversity. Our security […]


Monthly Mentoring

How do I get into cybersecurity? How do I pass this certification exam? How do I handle a coworker who is hostile to my beliefs? We talk about these and much more at our monthly mentoring sessions with PEN Consultants CEO, Robert Neel, as well as other team members. Interested in joining us? It is […]


Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” (Proverbs 11:25). And yet… sometimes thirsty people just don’t want to drink. That is what it can feel like as a security researcher when you find a security vulnerability but can’t find a way to contact the company to ethically disclose […]


Automated Pentests

ChatGPT and the growth of impressive AI tools has given rise to a new concept – automated penetration tests. It sounds cool and marketing SEO loves it. But, the truth is that an automated “penetration test” is really just a more advanced vulnerability scan. Can it be valuable? Certainly! In fact, PEN Consultants recommends performing […]


Price vs Cost

There is a HUGE difference between a pentest’s price and a pentest’s cost. You can easily find “pentests” online for a low price – sometimes as little as $2000. But, those cheap “pentests” often come with a high cost. The methodology of those cheap “pentests” is shoddy and often misses entire classes of vulnerabilities. Those […]


Securing WordPress

There’s a 62.8% chance your organization is using WordPress to manage its website if using a CMS (according to This market share dominance is one of the reasons it is highly targeted by hackers. Another reason WordPress is targeted and compromised often is relatively poor default security. Here are some tips to secure the […]

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