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Don’t Be a Victim: Find your weaknesses before the criminals do. PEN Consultants can help!

Category: Miscellaneous


Unique Experience

Our unique approach sets us apart - former NSA experts on every engagement ensuring quality, compliance, and unparalleled results. See why our clients continue to choose us after experiencing our superior quality. Source: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT INTERVIEWER QUESTION:What specifically makes you unique compared to other firms in terms of experience?ROBERT:Well, with our Nation-state-level hacker experience…It’s […]


Security Vendor Priorities

Wondering if your cybersecurity provider puts your security first? Ask for a list of dropped vendors due to security flaws. Their response will speak volumes about their priorities!


Unique to PEN Consultants - Summary

Discover a new standard in offensive security! This video highlights PEN Consultants' Experience, Transparency, and Values - all of which make us unique. Source: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT


Timely Patch Management

Don't underestimate the risks of known vulnerabilities. They could have extreme consequences, including, but not limited to, defacement of content, serious brand reputation issues, inclusion of malware and links to malware, ransomware, data breaches, etc. Example patch time policies: It is understood that patching, on occasion, can have unintended availability side effects. Nevertheless, it is […]


King Solomon and Authentication Security

King Solomon said, "A cord of 3 strands is not easily broken." In cybersecurity, authentication using an unpredictable username convention, strong password policy, and securely configured MFA cannot easily be compromised. Usernames: Password Policy: MFA: Featured image is a derivative work from the following images:


Mentoring Sessions

We had amazing conversations at our first monthly group mentoring session today! Thanks to all who were able to join us. The group-based mentoring model approach allowed attendees to share various perspectives on topics discussed. The insight gained was invaluable! We’ve had a lot of inquiries about our free monthly group mentoring sessions, so we […]


Annual Team Mission Trip (2023)

As part of the non-traditional benefits we extend to all team members, this year, PEN Consultants was pleased to add - for the first time - a mission trip. Each of our team members (and one of their family members) had the opportunity to participate at no charge to them. Click here for more information […]


Annual Team Meet-Up (2023)

PEN Consultants held its annual meet-up June 8-11, 2023, giving team members the opportunity to meet each other face-2-face, participate in team-building activities, and give back to the community by helping those who are disadvantaged and in need. Here is a summary of that event. Thursday Hill Country Daily Bread Serving at a ministry we […]


Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Vulnerabilities are everywhere. You can be assured your systems have them. There is a good chance the vulnerabilities in your systems may be discovered by an outside party. Do you have internal policies and procedures in place on how to deal with that when it happens? Do you have a public version of that posted? […]


Annual Team Meet-Up (2001)

PEN Consultants held its inaugural annual meet-up October 8th – 10th 2021, giving each team member (and their family) the ability to meet each other face-2-face (many for the first time), participate in team-building activities, and give back to the community. Here is a summary of that event. Friday Meeting up at the Neel’s house […]

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