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Category: Uncategorized


Security Best Practice

One of the best ways to test your organization’s security and your potential exposure to hackers is with penetration testing. But, if you haven’t implemented basic security guidelines, a penetration test isn’t a good place to start. It would be like going to the dentist without ever brushing your teeth or flossing. You know exactly […]


Understanding Hacker Methodology

The more you know about how an attacker attacks, the better you can defend against it. Like a politician preparing arguments for an upcoming debate against an opponent or like an NFL defense watching tape of the opposing quarterback and his tendencies, it is all about preparing for the strategies you will face. Defending against […]


Sharpen Iron / Red Teaming

The book of Proverbs tells us that one person sharpens another just as iron sharpens iron. In the cybersecurity world, red teaming sharpens your blue team, ensuring they stay vigilant against cyber threats and are ready to respond effectively. Featured image is a derivative work from the following images:


What is a Pentest?

People use the term “penetration test” all of the time without actually understanding what it means. Even in the security industry, there is often disagreement on what exactly a “penetration test” is and how it differs from a vulnerability scan, vulnerability assessment, red teaming, etc. So, let’s clear up some of the confusion. This is […]


Ongoing Testing

Is there a book you can read over and over again? For us, it is the Bible. Every time we re-read a section, we find new insights, lessons, and values for our lives. In its own way, security testing is very similar – every time we test, we often find new issues and vulnerabilities. This […]


The Hobby Lobby of Pentesting

Come see why we have been called “The Hobby Lobby of Pentesting”. Source: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT


Real-time Transparency

We are certainly no Moses, but even Moses himself knew that people needed to be shown rather than told (Exodus 4:1). That is why we have adopted the same attitude when it comes to our penetration testing. We don’t just tell our clients what we are doing. We show them. We use real-time notes to […]


No Findings?

Tired of pentesting reports with no real findings? You could be restricting your current vendor too much or you need a new vendor. #FindTheGap We can help! Contact us today:



Learn about our commitment to Transparency. Our public pricing, detailed service descriptions, and real-time notes provide clients with unprecedented clarity & insight into our processes, ensuring trust, clarity, & insight for our clients every step of the way. Source: VIDEO TRANSCRIPT


Stay Alert: Insights from Ancient Wisdom

Peter’s wisdom from 62 AD still resonates today: Stay alert, for the adversary is always seeking to devour. In cybersecurity, monitoring and responding to alerts is crucial to catching attackers and preventing data breaches. No organization is fully secure from all attackers. A persistent and/or advanced attacker WILL breach your systems if they decide to […]
